blindbeth67: 131. The story of her
blindbeth67: Hands and hearts
blindbeth67: 133. Wildflowers
blindbeth67: 139. Oh how she twirls
blindbeth67: 141. Making wishes
blindbeth67: 143. Go Fish
blindbeth67: 144. And summer begins
blindbeth67: 146. “Everyone thinks you make mistakes when you're young. But I don't think we make any fewer when we're grown up.” ~ Jodi Picoult
blindbeth67: 153. Our song
blindbeth67: 159. New Toys
blindbeth67: 171. The Giving Tree
blindbeth67: 186. Little moments
blindbeth67: 187. A farmy day
blindbeth67: 191. Our new normal
blindbeth67: 192. Team Walkie Talkie
blindbeth67: 194. Relaxed - for just a moment
blindbeth67: 195. At the park
blindbeth67: 200. Beach day
blindbeth67: 202. American Girl
blindbeth67: 203. Using some imagination
blindbeth67: 207. Happy
blindbeth67: 205. At the park
blindbeth67: 211. Her intentions
blindbeth67: 212. "I dream my painting and I paint my dream." ~ Vincent van Gogh
blindbeth67: Party Favors Rock
blindbeth67: 219. First day of 3rd Grade
blindbeth67: 221. Friday after work
blindbeth67: 224. Mamarazzi
blindbeth67: 229. Birthday wishes
blindbeth67: 230. Making wishes