blindbeth67: 79/366 There's a party going on....
blindbeth67: 72/366 Toy soldiers
blindbeth67: 86/366 Neon Evening
blindbeth67: 93/366 White Poppy
blindbeth67: 100/366 Lying on the ground looking up
blindbeth67: 107/366 Time to make the donuts
blindbeth67: 114/366 Peas in a pod
blindbeth67: 121/366 Sweets of the sunshine
blindbeth67: 128/366 Water drops and sunshine
blindbeth67: 135/366 Things that go bump in the night
blindbeth67: 142/366 Gears
blindbeth67: 149/366 It's a jungle out there
blindbeth67: 163/366 "Don't minimize the importance of luck in determining life's course." ~ Alex Trebeck
blindbeth67: 170/366 Stepping in gum
blindbeth67: 177/366 Turquoise
blindbeth67: 184/366 "Books are the ever burning lamps of accumulated wisdom." ~ George William Curtis
blindbeth67: 205/366 Build me up butter-pup