blindbeth67: 1/52 ~ Happy New Year!
blindbeth67: 2/52 Oh, that empty nest feeling
blindbeth67: 3/52 Behind the Scenes
blindbeth67: 4/52 There is no almost in terms of crossing the street
blindbeth67: 5/52 Not the way I wanted to start my Sunday
blindbeth67: 6/52 Conversations
blindbeth67: 7/52 Blooming
blindbeth67: 8/52 "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today." ~ James Dean
blindbeth67: 9/52 ~ After the run
blindbeth67: 10/52 The other sign says Watch For Children
blindbeth67: 11/52 Ahhhhhh
blindbeth67: 12/52 Decisions
blindbeth67: 13/52 Lush
blindbeth67: 14/52 "Just tell yourself, Duckie, you're really quite lucky." ~ Dr. Suess
blindbeth67: 15/52 Moods
blindbeth67: 16/52 Delicious sunshine
blindbeth67: 17/52 Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
blindbeth67: 18/52 Light
blindbeth67: 19/52 St. John's River
blindbeth67: 20/52 Just Peachy
blindbeth67: 21/52 Butterfly smiles
blindbeth67: 22/52 The best party ever
blindbeth67: 23/52 Turtle love
blindbeth67: 24/52 Insert witty quote here
blindbeth67: 25/52 My What Big Eyes You Have!
blindbeth67: 26/52 Day Trip
blindbeth67: 27/52 Small town life
blindbeth67: 28/52 Bullfrogs and lily pads
blindbeth67: 29/52 Attack Rooster
blindbeth67: 30/52 Plants that eat bugs are awesome!