blindbeth67: Bird on a cart
blindbeth67: Wading in the pond
blindbeth67: Male Cardinal
blindbeth67: A hundred million birds
blindbeth67: Pole Bean the Chicken
blindbeth67: RIP Tweety
blindbeth67: A Rough Day
blindbeth67: Feed Me!
blindbeth67: Coming in for a landing
blindbeth67: Torpedo bird
blindbeth67: Day 147 ~ Hang on, little fluff ball
blindbeth67: Day 159 ~ What the cluck?!
blindbeth67: Stuffed Chicken?
blindbeth67: Splish Splash, he was taking a bath
blindbeth67: Day 237 ~ Life is in the details
blindbeth67: 2/52 Oh, that empty nest feeling
blindbeth67: For just a moment
blindbeth67: 14/366 Ever feel like someone is watching you?
blindbeth67: 4/366 "Winter reminds us of the human condition..." ~ Mignon McLaughlin
blindbeth67: Lucky the Owl visits the school
blindbeth67: 35/52 Feeding time
blindbeth67: 29/52 Attack Rooster
blindbeth67: 26/52 Day Trip
blindbeth67: Day 354 ~ Walking Around (Day 3 of our NYC Family Trip)
blindbeth67: Day 256 ~ Oh I wasn't feeding the birds... I'm just a messy eater
blindbeth67: Cardinal play
blindbeth67: 51/366 Better than the radio
blindbeth67: 68/366 Squawking
blindbeth67: 158/366 "I think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird and not enough the bad luck of the early worm." ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt
blindbeth67: 175/366 I shall call him Woody