tch601: Lyrium
tch601: Wild beauty
tch601: My center
tch601: In the wild
tch601: A touch of yellow and white
tch601: White at dusk
tch601: Nearby the beach
tch601: At the veranda
tch601: Yellow Lyrium
tch601: White Chrysantemum
tch601: Orange-yellow lyrium
tch601: White Cayenne
tch601: multiflowers
tch601: Water drops
tch601: Dhalia
tch601: Center
tch601: After my shower
tch601: Blue center
tch601: A multicolor feast
tch601: Daisies
tch601: Like a sun...
tch601: with a bug approaching my center
tch601: In front of a store...
tch601: Ornating the town
tch601: Waiting for the wind
tch601: Waiting for the bees
tch601: Yellow-brownish pistils
tch601: Orangy
tch601: a beauty miniature
tch601: In yellow