butts97: Taken with love. 20.10..07
butts97: Red kapok.
butts97: Garden GK, BRasil. (15)
butts97: 2013-11-11 Tropical
butts97: Canela-de-brejo, (Endlicheria paniculata) (Lauraceae) 10.9.07 049
butts97: Pau terra (Qualea megalocarpa) Chapadao, Goias, BR.
butts97: Cavallinesia tree, Manga, MG 10.'07
butts97: Tucuman, Arg. 100 (7)
butts97: Tucuman, Arg. 100 (6)
butts97: 2016-03-01, ArtStudio & textured (2). .
butts97: San Ramon, Cordoba, Argentina 026
butts97: Limpopo, ZA.
butts97: Pasture with savanna trees Mombaca, 3.06
butts97: Caatinga complex, Cardosos, MG, Brasil 11.07 142 (16)
butts97: Garden GK, Brasil 04-16. (13)
butts97: Caatinga
butts97: Cega machado (Physocalymma sacaberrimum)12
butts97: 2015, Ipad painterly, collage(129) textured _FotoSketcher
butts97: Jaiba, MG 10.07 008
butts97: Hardwood trees, Bilac, BR. (12)
butts97: F. Figueira. PR (2)
butts97: Vriesa Misty GK. BRASil. (14)
butts97: Suculentas GK. (6).
butts97: Rolo-faca GK, Sede. 04161 (6)
butts97: Conditioner - best 3711
butts97: Parodia lenninghausii GK
butts97: Succulent splendor, 03609 (36)
butts97: Kalan - 3795