Jimmydflint: Reflections
Jimmydflint: This is MY FISHING SPOT! Go find your own!
Jimmydflint: Five Canadian Geese A Swimming
Jimmydflint: Man's and Woman's Best Friend
Jimmydflint: Can Relaxing in the Shade
Jimmydflint: Birds on a Wire
Jimmydflint: Egret Flexing it's Wings
Jimmydflint: The Cheshire Cat
Jimmydflint: Sand Pipers after Sun Set
Jimmydflint: Three Canadian Geese after Sun Set
Jimmydflint: Two Sea Gulls looking for Food
Jimmydflint: Food Fight-Food Fight!!!!!
Jimmydflint: Sun Bathing and waiting for a Gentle Stroke
Jimmydflint: Playfulness
Jimmydflint: Reflections of a Kitten
Jimmydflint: Canadian Goose showing off in the Morning Light
Jimmydflint: Dog Walker Crissy Fields, San Francisco
Jimmydflint: Walking the dogs.
Jimmydflint: Mother Duck and Six Ducklings with Two Canadian Geese
Jimmydflint: Flock of Birds with Reflections
Jimmydflint: Brand new Canadian Goslings (13) and their proud mother Part 3
Jimmydflint: Adorable Canadian Goslings in their first formal portrait without their Mother Part 4
Jimmydflint: "Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned / Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned." Part 1
Jimmydflint: "Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned / Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned." Part 2
Jimmydflint: All thirteen Goslings in tow Part 5
Jimmydflint: Thirteen Goslings and their proud parents
Jimmydflint: Thirteen new born Goslings all in an row.
Jimmydflint: Humming Bird at Rest in Her Nest
Jimmydflint: Humming Bird Mother at work