rakkasan69: SHOCK and AWE !!!!
rakkasan69: 1 up 1 down
rakkasan69: sneek pass
rakkasan69: this is what 700 MPH looks like !
rakkasan69: The fun way to make clouds
rakkasan69: The mirror image pass
rakkasan69: scorching the runway
rakkasan69: the business end of the F16
rakkasan69: the crossover break!!
rakkasan69: our flag was still there ...
rakkasan69: roll Top Gun theme song
rakkasan69: going ballistic
rakkasan69: Beauty that is skin deep
rakkasan69: my favorite 6 shooter revolver!!
rakkasan69: heritage pass ..
rakkasan69: F15 Strike Eagle
rakkasan69: Thunderbird diamond formation
rakkasan69: Thunderbirds eschelon pass
rakkasan69: Thunderbird lead solo
rakkasan69: John Klatt
rakkasan69: The ultimate burn out !!!
rakkasan69: R.I.P. Greg Poe
rakkasan69: Violent Take off
rakkasan69: this is what 700 MPH looks like !
rakkasan69: Power