Petroglyph: natural wood chips
Petroglyph: ice hoodoos?
Petroglyph: Beach at Neys
Petroglyph: layers of ice and sand
Petroglyph: Martha
Petroglyph: mouth of the Little Pic River
Petroglyph: Neys Provincial Park hike
Petroglyph: Gazebo above Pic Island
Petroglyph: Gazebo above Pic Island
Petroglyph: Great Gray Owl beside Trans-Canada Highway in northern Ontario
Petroglyph: Scene from our island camp site
Petroglyph: Scene from our island camp site
Petroglyph: Scene from our island camp site
Petroglyph: Scene from our island camp site
Petroglyph: Lamprey scar
Petroglyph: Rock cleft flora - Three-toothed Cinquefoil and Rock Polypody
Petroglyph: An Oak Fern from a rocky cleft in the Barclay Islands.
Petroglyph: Metamorphosed shield rock
Petroglyph: Metamorphosed shield rock
Petroglyph: Lichen on granite
Petroglyph: Encrusted Saxifrage
Petroglyph: Bog Bilberry in flower
Petroglyph: A profusion of Black Crowberry
Petroglyph: Upland White Aster (Solidago ptarmicoides)
Petroglyph: Shrubby Cinquefoil
Petroglyph: Round-leaved Sundew
Petroglyph: Splash pool flora - Narrow False Oats
Petroglyph: Sedge Darner?
Petroglyph: Typical rocky islet in the vicinity
Petroglyph: Typical rocky islet in the vicinity