Petroglyph: Aeshna tuberculifera
Petroglyph: American Emerald
Petroglyph: Racket-tailed Emerald 2 of 2
Petroglyph: Racket-tailed Emerald 1 of 2
Petroglyph: Lancet Clubtail (m)
Petroglyph: Common Sanddragon
Petroglyph: Four-spotted Skimmer
Petroglyph: Sympetrum on sedge
Petroglyph: Dot-tailed Whiteface
Petroglyph: Belted Whiteface
Petroglyph: Chalk-fronted Corporal
Petroglyph: Enallagma sp.
Petroglyph: Ebony Jewelwings
Petroglyph: River Jewelwing
Petroglyph: Aurora Damselfly
Petroglyph: Enallagma_sp - unidentified
Petroglyph: Taiga Bluet
Petroglyph: dragonfly exuvium
Petroglyph: Canadian Tiger Swallowtail
Petroglyph: Gray Hairstreak
Petroglyph: Io Moth caterpillar
Petroglyph: Chaoborus midge larvae
Petroglyph: Tachinid fly on fishing reel
Petroglyph: Tachinid fly on fishing reel
Petroglyph: Bee Fly
Petroglyph: Bee Fly
Petroglyph: may bug
Petroglyph: Aquatic leaf beetle
Petroglyph: Chrysomelids mating
Petroglyph: native leaf beetle eating invasive water chestnut