grebberg: View of Quito through the clouds IMG_2325
grebberg: View at Cruz Lomo IMG_2301
grebberg: View towards the crest of the Pichinch Volcano IMG_2302
grebberg: View at Cruz Lomo IMG_2321
grebberg: Foggy at Cruz Lomo IMG_9598
grebberg: At Cruz Lomo IMG_2307
grebberg: Band-tailed Sierra-Finch at Cruz Lomo IMG_9593
grebberg: Plant at Cruz Lomo IMG_9601
grebberg: La Virgen de Quito IMG_9616
grebberg: Old Quito from El Panecillo IMG_9619
grebberg: Old Quito from El PanecilloIMG_9624
grebberg: Old Quito IMG_9625
grebberg: Old Quito from El Panecillo IMG_9627
grebberg: San Diego Cemetery IMG_9631
grebberg: San Diego Cemetery IMG_9632
grebberg: Iglesia de San Francisco, Quito IMG_2291
grebberg: Iglesia de San Francisco, Quito IMG_9668
grebberg: Iglesia de San Francisco, Quito IMG_9658
grebberg: Iglesia de San Francisco, Quito IMG_9859
grebberg: Iglesia de San Francisco, Quito IMG_9660
grebberg: Iglesia de San Francisco, Quito IMG_2009
grebberg: Iglesia de San Francisco, Quito IMG_2013
grebberg: Quito shopping IMG_2016
grebberg: Entertainment in Quito IMG_2018
grebberg: Streetlife in the Old City of QuitoIMG_2020
grebberg: Streetlife in the Old City of Quito IMG_2026
grebberg: Street shopping in Quito IMG_2294
grebberg: Heavy load IMG_2297
grebberg: Street shopping IMG_2298
grebberg: Streetlife in the Old City of Quito IMG_9639