grebberg: Finely laminated siliceous oose of the Montery Formation S24A0973
grebberg: Chert beds in the Monterey Formation S24A0975
grebberg: Chert beds in the Monterey Formation S24A0978
grebberg: Monetrey Formation at Lompoc S24A0982
grebberg: Folding in the Monterey Formation S24A0986
grebberg: Folding in the Monterey Formation S24A0988
grebberg: Porcelanite grading into chert S24A0989
grebberg: Thrust and folding of the Montery FormationS24A0992
grebberg: Thrusting in the Montery Formation S24A0995
grebberg: Beware S24A1012
grebberg: Jalama Beach S24A1018
grebberg: Dolomite growth S24A1035
grebberg: Fault breccia at Jalama Beach S24A1037
grebberg: Fault breccia at Jalama Beach S24A1051
grebberg: Dolomite growth and oil seep S24A1055
grebberg: Cliffs at Jalama Beach S24A1065
grebberg: Jalama Beach scenery S24A1070
grebberg: Turkey Vulture at Jalama Beach S24A1059
grebberg: Turkey Vulture at Jalama Beach S24A1021