grebberg: Borneo Interior IMG_0116
grebberg: Sabah interior IMG_0122
grebberg: Oil palm IMG_0128
grebberg: Oil palm plantation at Lahad Datu IMG_0129
grebberg: Lahad Datu airport 0130
grebberg: Lahad Datu airport 0131
grebberg: Danum Valley P1140554
grebberg: Roadworks on the road to Danum Valley P1140089
grebberg: Roadworks on the way to Danum Valley P1140088
grebberg: Rainforest Danum Valley P1140553
grebberg: Rainforest Danum Valley P1140551
grebberg: Borneo Rainforest Lodge Danum Valley P1140458
grebberg: Borneo Rainforest Lodge Danum Valley IMG_0135
grebberg: Introduced to Borneo Rainforest Lodge, Danum Valley IMG_0139
grebberg: Nice guys at Borneo Rainforest Lodge P1010588
grebberg: Borneo Rainforest Lodge P1140377
grebberg: Borneo Rainforest Lodge IMG_0132
grebberg: Borneo Rainforest Lodge at Danum Valley P1140124
grebberg: Borneo Rainforest Lodge IMG_0133
grebberg: Borneo Rainforest Lodge P1140092
grebberg: Restaurant P1140245
grebberg: Restaurant P1140246
grebberg: Borneo Rainforest Lodge IMG_0137
grebberg: Borneo Rainforest Lodge, Danum Valley P1140375
grebberg: Borneo Rainforest Lodge, Danum Valley P1140376
grebberg: Borneo Rainforest Lodge, Danum Valley IMG_1077
grebberg: Borneo Rainforest Lodge, Danum Valley P1010551
grebberg: Flowers at Borneo Raiforest Lodge, Danum Valley
grebberg: Heliconias at Borneo Raiforest Lodge, Danum Valley P1010586
grebberg: Blue-throated bee-eater at Borneo Rainforest Lodge, Danum Valley IMG_0994