grebberg: Bananaquit at Miraflores P1070956
grebberg: Bananaquit at Miraflores P1070957
grebberg: Black vulture at Miraflores P1070960
grebberg: Bananaquit at Miraflores P1070966
grebberg: Vermillion flycatcher at Miraflores P1070984
grebberg: Vermillion flycatcher at Miraflores P1070987
grebberg: West peruvian dove at Miraflores P1080001
grebberg: Eared dove at Miraflores P1080006
grebberg: Amazilia hummingbird Miraflores P1080010
grebberg: Amazilia hummingbird Miraflores P1080020
grebberg: Amazilia hummingbird at Miraflores P1080021
grebberg: Amazilia hummingbird Miraflores P1080023
grebberg: Belcher's gull at Paracas P1080033
grebberg: Peruvian pelican at Paracas P1080037
grebberg: Kelp gull and Grey gull at Paracas P1080039
grebberg: Peruvian pelican at Paracas P1080041
grebberg: Grey gull at Paracas P1080044
grebberg: Belcher's gull at Paracas P1080048
grebberg: Grey gull at Paracas P1080051
grebberg: Grey-headed gull at Paracas P1080055
grebberg: Peruvian pelican at Paracas P1080061
grebberg: Belcher's gull and Grey gull at Paracas P1080063
grebberg: Ruddy turnstone at Paracas P1080064
grebberg: Belcher's gull at Paracas P1080068
grebberg: Andean gull at Paracas P1080073
grebberg: Andean gull at Paracas P1080077
grebberg: Snowy Egret at Paracas P1080079
grebberg: Turnstone at Paracas P1080081
grebberg: Snowy Egret at Paracas P1080083
grebberg: Belcher's gull at Paracas P1080093