grebberg: Waiting for departure IMG_0012
grebberg: Leaving Fairview hotel IMG_0013
grebberg: Our truck P1020551
grebberg: Seated in the back seat P1020879
grebberg: Quick view of Nairobi P1020514
grebberg: Nairobi P1020515
grebberg: Outskirts of Nairobi P1020518
grebberg: Brief stop P1020523
grebberg: The African Rift Valley P1020520
grebberg: The African Rift Valley P1020522
grebberg: The Rift Valley kIMG_0014
grebberg: Souvenirs P1020528
grebberg: JP at the Rift Valley P1020524
grebberg: Zebras crossing P1020546
grebberg: lunch stop P1020533
grebberg: Unloading the kitchen P1020556
grebberg: Ready for lunch P1020550
grebberg: Lunch in the bush P1020554
grebberg: Good mates P1020545
grebberg: Zebras in the distance P1020538
grebberg: Zebra kIMG_0137
grebberg: Zebras IMG_0134
grebberg: In the back seat kIMG_0019
grebberg: Hotel P1020529
grebberg: Kenya village P1020530
grebberg: Road conditions P1020558
grebberg: Local transport P1020531
grebberg: Goose on the road P1020532
grebberg: Little weaver nests P1020560a
grebberg: Little weaver P1020565a