Nikon~Dolll: My photo of Tian Tian in First for Women magazine
Nikon~Dolll: My photo of Siku in First for Women Magazine
Nikon~Dolll: Eastern Neck Postcard Photo Contest Winner
Nikon~Dolll: My photo of Lusaka and Luke in the May/June 2011 edition of Smithsonian Zoogoer
Nikon~Dolll: Cape May Zoo Friends Annual Fund Raising Campaign Mailer
Nikon~Dolll: Hey kid, you're funny
Nikon~Dolll: Polar Bear
Nikon~Dolll: Baltimore Sun - "Reader Sunshots Honorable Mention"
Nikon~Dolll: Help save the snow leopards
Nikon~Dolll: Maryland Zoo photo contest winner - July 2013
Nikon~Dolll: SustainaFest 2014 Calendar
Nikon~Dolll: Salisbury Zoo 2016 calendar featuring Alba