Nikon~Dolll: Tai Shan reacts to turning 4 1/2 years old
Nikon~Dolll: "Life wouldn’t be the same without you and all the memories you have given me." - Unknown
Nikon~Dolll: Happy Half-Birthday Tai Shan
Nikon~Dolll: How I will miss this face
Nikon~Dolll: Nature has given us two ears, two eyes, and but one tongue; to the end we should hear and see more than we speak.~ Greek Proverb
Nikon~Dolll: Trying to get the hang of chopsticks
Nikon~Dolll: The Apple of our Tai
Nikon~Dolll: Tai Shan
Nikon~Dolll: Stand up for yourself
Nikon~Dolll: One Fruitie to go Please
Nikon~Dolll: Flying Frooties, Batman!
Nikon~Dolll: Zhu Ni Hao Yun
Nikon~Dolll: “Life gives us brief moments with another...but sometimes in those brief moments we get memories that last a life time...”