Beth Wales: country quilt.took me 2 years to make .....
Beth Wales: hearts + squares detail
Beth Wales: china blue
Beth Wales: Rhosyr. Quilt Art.
Beth Wales: sew autumn
Beth Wales: Tristwch
Beth Wales: no idea what these may be , but I stitched them anyway
Beth Wales: 16 fabric windows,
Beth Wales: 2 cot quilts
Beth Wales: pyramid in the garden
Beth Wales: ever decreasing
Beth Wales: but I like blue!
Beth Wales: colours of home quilt
Beth Wales: Rhosyr. I've finished quilting it !
Beth Wales: for my best friend
Beth Wales: my first quilt.(first attempt at sewing anything really)
Beth Wales: first quilt
Beth Wales: hand dyed happiness
Beth Wales: sewing a Ton Schulten landscape