richdown3rd: Day one - the first hutte above Fusche
richdown3rd: Saltzberg
richdown3rd: Map of Saltzberg
richdown3rd: Church in Saltzberg
richdown3rd: Saltzberg
richdown3rd: Zell am See
richdown3rd: Zell am See
richdown3rd: Walking from Zell am See
richdown3rd: Day one - above Zell am See
richdown3rd: Day one - Zell am See
richdown3rd: Day one - Duncan above Fusch
richdown3rd: Day one - above Zell am See
richdown3rd: Day one - half way up
richdown3rd: Day one - above Zell am See
richdown3rd: Day one - Getting to the hutte
richdown3rd: Day two - Heading down from the hutte
richdown3rd: Scary Ridge
richdown3rd: Day two - Random axe
richdown3rd: Day two - Water stop
richdown3rd: Rich and Duncan
richdown3rd: Scary ridge which we bottled
richdown3rd: Day two - Down to the lakes
richdown3rd: Day two - first resevoir
richdown3rd: Day three - antlers and sunburn
richdown3rd: Day two - Huntin Lodge
richdown3rd: Day two - Hutte between resevoirs
richdown3rd: Day three - Info
richdown3rd: Day three - Heavy weather
richdown3rd: Day three- Wrong way