roslyn.hazen: Males were behind the fence
roslyn.hazen: Females were in the same field as us
roslyn.hazen: They stuck together as a group
roslyn.hazen: All different colours
roslyn.hazen: mmmm, grass
roslyn.hazen: they liked to lie with their bellies facing the sun
roslyn.hazen: aaahhhh, relaxing
roslyn.hazen: some don't like having their necks sheared
roslyn.hazen: more relaxing
roslyn.hazen: their hoofs are 2 parts
roslyn.hazen: Tiffany liked to be pet
roslyn.hazen: Tiffany liked to give kisses
roslyn.hazen: Here she is checking out Evelyn's mic
roslyn.hazen: the twins were at her side for about 30 mins
roslyn.hazen: view of kal lake
roslyn.hazen: view of wood lake
roslyn.hazen: amy working on her sock
roslyn.hazen: twins, waiting for the food
roslyn.hazen: osmia working on her mystery project
roslyn.hazen: evelyn working on a wrap
roslyn.hazen: Stallone, one of the black males, they are jet black
roslyn.hazen: Loot from Oyama Lake Alpaca Farm
roslyn.hazen: Loot from Oyama Lake Alpaca Farm