John from Brisbane: New York - I guess this doesn't need explanation but here she is, the Statue of Liberty
John from Brisbane: New York 9/11 Memorial
John from Brisbane: New York 9/11Memorial site in the footprints of the World Trade Centre
John from Brisbane: New York 9/11 Memorial. We pay our respects to those who died that day.
John from Brisbane: New York 9/11 Memorial
John from Brisbane: New York 9/11 Memorial. A very, very moving experience as we stood on the spot and remembered all those who died on that terrible day back in 2001.
John from Brisbane: New York 17 October 2013.
John from Brisbane: New York 17 October 2013 looking out from Lower Manhattan and South Ferry to a Staaten Island ferry and the Statue of Liberty
John from Brisbane: New York and Lower Manhattan at South Ferry.
John from Brisbane: Jenny at Lower Manhattan, New York 17 October 2013.
John from Brisbane: Start spreading the news....New York, New York
John from Brisbane: New York Brooklyn Diner....really a very expensive restaurant. Very expensive. No cheap bowl of chilli here.
John from Brisbane: Old Glory. New York USA 17 October 2013
John from Brisbane: Coming Up - New York and Hawaii
John from Brisbane: New York Union Square
John from Brisbane: New York subway station sign
John from Brisbane: New York subway. Wow, what a ride. Completely different to the London Underground.
John from Brisbane: New York State of mind
John from Brisbane: New York Ground Zero. 9/11 Memorial site and the Survivor Tree. This tree was the only one that survived on site and was nursed back to life offsite and brought back and replanted as part of the Memorial.
John from Brisbane: New York 9/11 Memorial Museum. This had not opened when we were there but was well advanced. Some of the exterior beams and facade of the Twin Towers are displayed inside. The Museum opened in 2014.
John from Brisbane: New York 9/11 Memorial with the pools in front and new buildings in the rear.
John from Brisbane: New York 17 October 2013. 9/11 Memorial. No matter where we live, we will never forget.
John from Brisbane: New York 9/11 Memorial. Names of those from Flight 77 on the parapet surrounding the pools.
John from Brisbane: New York 9/11 Memorial. Remember those on Flight 93.
John from Brisbane: New York 9/11 Memorial
John from Brisbane: New York 9/11 Memorial and one of the pools, probably that built on the footprint of the South Tower. Never forget.
John from Brisbane: New York 9/11 Memorial. Remember those brave souls who have their lives trying to save others. On the parapet, firefighters remembered.
John from Brisbane: New York 9/11 Memorial
John from Brisbane: New York Times Square 17 October 2013
John from Brisbane: New York with the Naked Cowboy in Times Square - you want more photos?