oprion: Miniature Broadside #1
oprion: Playing with Magic Squares
oprion: Typesetting Goudy’s Garamont
oprion: Tschichold's nightmare
oprion: Monotype No. 648 ornament form
oprion: Planning the paper size and registration for an upcoming print.
oprion: Abecedarium
oprion: It is often the underside of a form where compositors hide their dirty secrets. But, it can also reveal an interesting pattern, like a city as seen from an airplane, or a microchip magnified.
oprion: Gazette form locked up in a chase
oprion: Jefferson Gothic
oprion: Jefferson Gothic
oprion: The Order of DeMolay cut with a make-shift frame
oprion: Lemarchand's box with printer’s ornaments
oprion: Blackletter
oprion: This could work for the title page of "Ornement et Crime" by Adolf Loos, circa 1913.
oprion: Tschichold’s nightmare
oprion: A 66 point portal
oprion: Cleland Garamond border as a make-shift drop cap.
oprion: Typesetting-by-numbers
oprion: A locked form
oprion: Specimen Bookcover form
oprion: Playing Tetris with letterpress blocks
oprion: Filling up the galley
oprion: Setting nonpareil type
oprion: Playing Tetris with letterpress blocks
oprion: Dr. Gulkoff's Restorative Tonic
oprion: Setting 24pt. Granjon Arabesques freshly cast by Skyline
oprion: Setting 24pt. Granjon Arabesques freshly cast by Skyline
oprion: Setting 24pt. Granjon Arabesques freshly cast by Skyline
oprion: Playbill chase lockup