filminthefridge: tiny squares
filminthefridge: fabrics - sorted by color
filminthefridge: fabric ready to be put away!
filminthefridge: fabric stack
filminthefridge: hand printed fabrics
filminthefridge: hand printed fabrics
filminthefridge: hand printed fabrics
filminthefridge: Greenfield Hill Dogwood fabric stack
filminthefridge: Greenfield Hill Dogwood fabric stack
filminthefridge: flea market fancy giveaway!
filminthefridge: flea market fancy giveaway!
filminthefridge: potential baby boy quilt?
filminthefridge: boy fabrics?
filminthefridge: macaroni love story
filminthefridge: macaroni love story
filminthefridge: macaroni love story
filminthefridge: macaroni love story
filminthefridge: fabric finds
filminthefridge: farmdale & katie jump rope
filminthefridge: flea market fancy patchwork squares
filminthefridge: flea market fancy!
filminthefridge: starburst 2 fabrics
filminthefridge: urban circus
filminthefridge: urban circus
filminthefridge: heather ross far far away 2
filminthefridge: heather ross far far away 2
filminthefridge: heather ross far far away 2
filminthefridge: flea market fancy love
filminthefridge: a new quilt?
filminthefridge: favorite kona solids