jennyDG: Maggie
jennyDG: daylillie
jennyDG: front planter
jennyDG: Maggie
jennyDG: drexel
jennyDG: herbs..
jennyDG: Cilantro
jennyDG: Chives
jennyDG: back yard
jennyDG: ivy, periwinkle and iris'
jennyDG: hosta
jennyDG: Poison Ivy! ouch
jennyDG: Oakleaf Hydrandea
jennyDG: daylillie
jennyDG: daylillie
jennyDG: Iris
jennyDG: Iris and autumn joy sedum
jennyDG: topsy turvey
jennyDG: view of deck from the grownd
jennyDG: front planter
jennyDG: lonesome daylilly
jennyDG: magnolia
jennyDG: magnolia