mark dance: Dispatcher Rick Kang
mark dance: David Doiron as nelson yardmaster classifyign cars. Dave Clune watching the progress around Pup Creek.
mark dance: The Yard crew...David Doiron at Nelson West and Jim Betz at Nelson East
mark dance: Don Mitchell well in control of the Kraft Switcher
mark dance: Brian Kaehler switching Nakusp at the start of his shift
mark dance: Dave pilots the eastbound wayfreight across the Kootenay River
mark dance: Scott Calvert piloting the morning hotshot into Nelson while Gary Hinshaw waits for orders for the Nelson sub
mark dance: Gary watching his Nelson sub train enter hidden staging at the East end of the layout.
mark dance: all is OK so far
mark dance: "the calm before the storm"
mark dance: everyone looking down but Rene Gourley...uh oh
mark dance: Head end and pusher engineers need to get along!
mark dance: Jim taking the westbound wayfreight into staging at the end of his run.
mark dance: Don switching the Celgar Kraft mill
mark dance: Dave's eastbound crossing the Slocan River bridge
mark dance: Scott switching Nelson East while a wayfreight performs a brake test at Farron Summit
mark dance: Dave pulling into Coykendahl. He will proceed after a thermal test.
mark dance: Don't know if something in the yard surprised David or we caught him singing!
mark dance: Scott Calvert at East Nelson...I'm not eactly sure what Scott is doing :) although he is switching with a C424!
mark dance: Dave picking up chip hoppers at Castlegar destined for the mills of Grand Forks and Midway to the west
mark dance: Dave switching Fife
mark dance: Dave on the head end and Gary pushing...this time the trip was uneventful!
mark dance: Rene Gourley and Brian Kaheler are using their two trains to work Slocan City. Later they will combine their trains and use their 3 engines to haul a record 27 cars back to the junction right at the session end.
mark dance: Gary piloting a pusher set helping a train to Frron while the Superintendent has his train duck into a siding at Troup