ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: ~ Saying Goodbye to Another Day ~
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: A photo is worth a thousand words
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: just before the night set in
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: Everyday a Sunset dies!
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: Be Still & Know That I am God
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: Each Day is a New Beginning
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: So Peaceful!
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: A Kind of Daylight
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: The Sky is Almost on Fire
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: ~ Evening Delight ~
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: Sunrise over Grand Harbour
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: Golden Light
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: Be Happy :)
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: IMAGINE .....
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: Desire to Understand
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: Always Feeling Blue on Mondays
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: ~ The Fall of the Sun ~
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: Waiting for Sunset
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: The yellow is so bright that it consumes my thoughts, I fall deeper into the colours of the sun so that I could touch the orange glow, what a soft feeling, my sunset.
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: ~~ A Maltese Sunset ~~
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: ~ The Last Light ~
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: “Happiness is a Sunset; it is there for all, but most of us look the other way and lose it”
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: ~ La Torre ~
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: "When the light goes down........"
ANGELA.Clik.Flickr: Golden Sky