down in it:
at night
down in it:
church in Mainz
down in it:
me and my shadow
down in it:
me and Liz!
down in it:
the ugliest bunnies ever
down in it:
i wouldn't mind eating these so they would stop looking at me.
down in it:
down in it:
lovely evening wear
down in it:
the American section at the grocery store...
down in it:
mal with amazingness
down in it:
oh my apfelstreudel i <3 you
down in it:
scallop appetizer (6 euros a scallop!)
down in it:
My amazing stuffed chicken.. so delicious!!!!
down in it:
Mal's delicious fish
down in it:
Liz's delicious veal
down in it:
fancy dinner! chocolate souffle
down in it:
fancy dinner! peach tiramisu
down in it:
ah the delicious cat tongues.
down in it:
family namesake
down in it:
Fred and Mal
down in it:
me and mal and girl who's name I already forgot
down in it: