lee.sonho: Kids food was really good. Including the mac 'n' cheese
lee.sonho: He looked at her
lee.sonho: He looked at me
lee.sonho: maerong...
lee.sonho: easily distracted
lee.sonho: playing with daddy
lee.sonho: He's got his bib on...
lee.sonho: "stop taking photos and give me fooooood..."
lee.sonho: "huh? Let me consider that and get back to you..."
lee.sonho: Hanging with Ma...
lee.sonho: "Hey, did my publicist ok this?"
lee.sonho: distracted by food
lee.sonho: proud Gramps
lee.sonho: Cake #1
lee.sonho: Birthday boy with family
lee.sonho: the caramel in the middle cupcake
lee.sonho: she knows where to look
lee.sonho: Hey? Who is this guy?
lee.sonho: I'm not quite done with this camera...
lee.sonho: "Well, this one day in court..."
lee.sonho: "OMG, no way..."
lee.sonho: We have the best stories...
lee.sonho: Cupcake icing face
lee.sonho: "Puhahaha...."
lee.sonho: the cutie patutie riding shotgun with dad