grandmasandy+chuck: Male Western Bluebird
grandmasandy+chuck: Friendly Squirrel
grandmasandy+chuck: The Gift of Love
grandmasandy+chuck: In Time for Easter
grandmasandy+chuck: Western Kingbird (2)
grandmasandy+chuck: Western Kingbird
grandmasandy+chuck: Western Kingbird (3)
grandmasandy+chuck: Tidy Tips
grandmasandy+chuck: Wildflowers on Shell Creek Road
grandmasandy+chuck: Western Bluebird at Santa Margarita Lake
grandmasandy+chuck: Bald Eagle at Santa Margarita Lake
grandmasandy+chuck: Back to Back
grandmasandy+chuck: Orange Sulfur
grandmasandy+chuck: A Clark's Grebe Family
grandmasandy+chuck: Male Western Bluebird
grandmasandy+chuck: Female Western Bluebird
grandmasandy+chuck: Yellow-rumped Warbler
grandmasandy+chuck: Red-tailed Hawk
grandmasandy+chuck: Clark's Grebes Dance
grandmasandy+chuck: Courtship Rituals of the Western and Clark' s Grebes
grandmasandy+chuck: Bufflehead Pair
grandmasandy+chuck: One of Many