grandmasandy+chuck: Trying to Sleep
grandmasandy+chuck: Double-crested Cormorant
grandmasandy+chuck: Labyrinth
grandmasandy+chuck: Dark-eyed Junco
grandmasandy+chuck: House Finch
grandmasandy+chuck: Yellow-rumped Warbler
grandmasandy+chuck: Yellow-rumped Warbler
grandmasandy+chuck: Downy Woodpecker
grandmasandy+chuck: Hermit Thrush
grandmasandy+chuck: Hermit Thrush
grandmasandy+chuck: Cedar Waxwings
grandmasandy+chuck: Cedar Waxwing
grandmasandy+chuck: Happy Valentine's Day 2010
grandmasandy+chuck: European Starling With Cedar Waxwing
grandmasandy+chuck: Cedar Waxwing
grandmasandy+chuck: Downy Woodpecker
grandmasandy+chuck: After the Storms: Birds Feasting on Downed Apples
grandmasandy+chuck: Belted Kingfisher
grandmasandy+chuck: Red-shouldered Hawk
grandmasandy+chuck: Great Blue Heron
grandmasandy+chuck: Humpback Whale at Port San Luis
grandmasandy+chuck: Sprite Whale Watching at Hartford Pier
grandmasandy+chuck: A Boat Full of Pelicans at Port San Luis
grandmasandy+chuck: A Close Encounter with a Humpback Whale at Port San Luis
grandmasandy+chuck: Humpback Whale Surfacing Next to Hartford Pier
grandmasandy+chuck: Humpback Whale Next to the Dancin Bear
grandmasandy+chuck: Brown Pelican