grandmasandy+chuck: Birds-eye View
grandmasandy+chuck: Feeding Time
grandmasandy+chuck: Long-billed Curlew
grandmasandy+chuck: Mute Swan (2)
grandmasandy+chuck: Rubber Duckies
grandmasandy+chuck: American Coot
grandmasandy+chuck: Red-winged Blackbird
grandmasandy+chuck: Among the Flowers
grandmasandy+chuck: Common Goldeneye
grandmasandy+chuck: Common Goldeneye
grandmasandy+chuck: Double-crested Cormorant
grandmasandy+chuck: Now Children (Parent Coot and Chicks)
grandmasandy+chuck: Precious Pair
grandmasandy+chuck: Red winged Blackbird
grandmasandy+chuck: Ruddy Duck with His Blue Bill
grandmasandy+chuck: Double-crested Cormorant
grandmasandy+chuck: Tree Swallow
grandmasandy+chuck: Pied-billed Grebe with Fish
grandmasandy+chuck: The Green Heron-Hidden in the Shadows
grandmasandy+chuck: The Killdeer
grandmasandy+chuck: American Coot
grandmasandy+chuck: Least Tern Juvenile
grandmasandy+chuck: Least Tern
grandmasandy+chuck: Ruddy Duck Family Slideshow
grandmasandy+chuck: Red-winged Blackbird
grandmasandy+chuck: Killdeer
grandmasandy+chuck: Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival 2010
grandmasandy+chuck: Red-winged Blackbird
grandmasandy+chuck: Horned Grebe