Candice Berzins: 2 / 365 (Explored)
Candice Berzins: 19 / 365 (Explored)
Candice Berzins: 26 / 365 10 things about me... (Explored)
Candice Berzins: 32 / 365 (Explored)
Candice Berzins: 34 / 365.... I ask why and hear no answers. (Explored)
Candice Berzins: 36 / 365... Absence makes the heart grow fonder! (Explored)
Candice Berzins: 39 / 365... Patience (Explored)
Candice Berzins: 41 / 365 (Explored)
Candice Berzins: 46 / 365 (Explored)
Candice Berzins: 75 / 365 Domestic Bliss? (Explored)
Candice Berzins: 76 / 365 It is not your fault....(Explored)
Candice Berzins: 77 / 365 I hate that I love you! (Explored)
Candice Berzins: 89 / 365 Explored!
Candice Berzins: 92 / 365