taillow: 030
taillow: 031
taillow: 032
taillow: He's biting his tail
taillow: 037
taillow: 041
taillow: 045
taillow: 046
taillow: 055
taillow: Late night cardigan sewing
taillow: 067
taillow: 068
taillow: 070
taillow: Line up the stripe parallel to your stitch line
taillow: 048
taillow: Pivot point
taillow: Pivot point closeup
taillow: Pivoting the quilt
taillow: Pivoted and ready to continue the stitching
taillow: 053
taillow: Half the rows quilted
taillow: My view while sewing
taillow: Taking out the pins
taillow: All quilted!
taillow: The quilting from the back.
taillow: Binding the quilt
taillow: What your pinned binding would look like from the front
taillow: Mitered corner
taillow: What the binding looks like from the back.
taillow: Trim away the excess batting and backing