iCatMorris: Fairgrounds
iCatMorris: Penny partied into the night after being crowned "Miss Tilt-O-Whirl 2016" at the state fair!
iCatMorris: At the fairgrounds
iCatMorris: At the fairgrounds
iCatMorris: At the fairgrounds
iCatMorris: At the fairgrounds
iCatMorris: At the fairgrounds
iCatMorris: At the fairgrounds
iCatMorris: Woodland
iCatMorris: Wetland
iCatMorris: Prairie
iCatMorris: Tundra
iCatMorris: Lagoon
iCatMorris: You have to look closely.
iCatMorris: Even a paper doll can get caught in the wind.
iCatMorris: Spring is in the air.
iCatMorris: Mitzi was hoping for big hair. I don't think she'll be disappointed.
iCatMorris: It was a "Rat Pack' kinda day.
iCatMorris: Sometimes Art is hard.
iCatMorris: Lily loved the limelight. Being the flower girl was important business.
iCatMorris: Gone too soon.
iCatMorris: Hope springs eternal.
iCatMorris: Catwalk Faces
iCatMorris: Polly thought she was just going to kill it in Palm Beach this season!
iCatMorris: Lydia was absolutely giddy over her new hat.
iCatMorris: Sassy!
iCatMorris: Audrey's stylist was having a bad day.
iCatMorris: It's never a bad day when you wear a turban
iCatMorris: Clara adorned her wild red hair regularly
iCatMorris: Mabel couldn't wait for hat season. Winter be damned.