prospecttheater: L to R - Jordan Bondurant and Matt Dengler with director Cara Reichel
prospecttheater: L to R: Matt Gibson, Matt Dengler, Jordan Bondurant, Michael Romeo Ruocco
prospecttheater: L to R: Marrick Smith and Matt Dengler
prospecttheater: Jessica Grové and Matt Dengler
prospecttheater: Piper Goodeve with Ensemble
prospecttheater: L to R: L to R: Piper Goodeve, Jessica Grové, Elizbeth Burton
prospecttheater: L to R: Jeremy Morse, Billy Hepfinger, Jordan Bondurant, CJ Pawlikowski
prospecttheater: Matt Dengler as F. Scott Fitzgerald
prospecttheater: Liz Shivener and Jessica Grové, background Billy Hepfinger
prospecttheater: Piper Goodeve and Billy Hepfinger
prospecttheater: L to R: Matt Gibson, Jeremy Morse, CJ Pawlikowski
prospecttheater: Billy Hepfinger (background Ian Fairlee and Jason Edward Cook)
prospecttheater: Liz Shivener and CJ Pawlikowski; background Elizabeth Burton and Davey Rosenberg
prospecttheater: Choreographer Christine O'Grady rehearses with Jeremy Morse.
prospecttheater: The ensemble of THE UNDERCLASSMAN
prospecttheater: L to r: Michael Romeo Ruocco, Jeremy Morse, CJ Pawlikowski, Jordan Bondurant, Jason Edward Cook, Billy Hepfinger
prospecttheater: L to R: Ian Fairlee, Jessica Grové, Jason Edward Cook
prospecttheater: L to R: Christopher Herr, Jessica Grové, Matt Dengler
prospecttheater: L to R: CJ Pawlikowski and Adam Machart
prospecttheater: L to R: Whitney Winfield and Holland Grossman