Alessandro Cerato "Cherry": 24 Hours of Bisalta
Alessandro Cerato "Cherry": Still Life Technology
Alessandro Cerato "Cherry": Under The Bridge.. I Gave My Love Away
Alessandro Cerato "Cherry": Cuneo Photo Marathon "Comunicando" (Scartata)
Alessandro Cerato "Cherry": Cuneo Photo Marathon "Cuneo in..Grata" (Vincitrice del Primo Premio Nella Sua Categoria)
Alessandro Cerato "Cherry": Dead Trunk on The Lake
Alessandro Cerato "Cherry": Squirrel Riding a Slug
Alessandro Cerato "Cherry": George Orwell's 1984 - "A walk in London"
Alessandro Cerato "Cherry": Silvio Berlusconi Caricature
Alessandro Cerato "Cherry": Jack Kerouac - On The Road
Alessandro Cerato "Cherry": San Carlo Square - Turin, Italy
Alessandro Cerato "Cherry": Little Dead Riding Hood
Alessandro Cerato "Cherry": Poetry Can Set Us Free From The Shadows Inside Us