dlge: Cat in a window on Knobelstrasse, Munich
dlge: Swan in the fountain at Schloss Nymphenburg
dlge: Fountain in front of Schloss Nymphenburg
dlge: Cherubs, Schloss Nymphenburg
dlge: Outer stairway, Schloss Nymphenburg
dlge: Great Hall, Schloss Nymphenburg
dlge: Detail, Great Hall, Schloss Nymphenburg
dlge: Detail, Great Hall, Schloss Nymphenburg
dlge: Rococo stuccowork, Schloss Nymphenburg
dlge: Pansy in the gardens, Schloss Nymphenburg
dlge: Garden fountain, Schloss Nymphenburg
dlge: Neptune
dlge: Inside the Amalienburg, Schloss Nymphenburg
dlge: Chandelier in the Amalienburg
dlge: Ceiling detail, the Amalienburg
dlge: A closer shot of the chandelier
dlge: Enfilade in the Amalienburg
dlge: Decorative detail, the Bedroom in the Amalienburg
dlge: Decorative detail in the bedroom, the Amalienburg
dlge: The Hall of Mirrors, the Amalienburg
dlge: Ceiling detail, the Hall of Mirrors, the Amalienburg
dlge: Decorative detail (2nd shot), Hall of Mirrors, the Amalienburg
dlge: Decorative detail, Hall of Mirrors, the Amalienburg
dlge: Decorative detail, Hall of Mirrors, the Amalienburg
dlge: Decorative detail, the Amalienburg
dlge: Decorative detail, the Hunting Room, the Amalienburg
dlge: Wall painting, the Amalienburg
dlge: Tiled kitchen, the Amalienburg
dlge: Kitchen ceiling, the Amalienburg
dlge: Reception room in the Amalienburg