BurmaSphynx: Simeona Best Swiss Cat 2010 Celebration
BurmaSphynx: Sophie - AutoPaintHD
BurmaSphynx: Sophie - AutoPaintHD
BurmaSphynx: Yoda - AutoPaint HD
BurmaSphynx: Kalli -AutoPaint HD
BurmaSphynx: Sophie
BurmaSphynx: Simeona
BurmaSphynx: Made with Auto Painter HD - Dayita
BurmaSphynx: Made with Auto Painter HD - Dayita
BurmaSphynx: Another lovely friendship
BurmaSphynx: Valentina with Saika
BurmaSphynx: Kalli's kittens got their first vaccinations
BurmaSphynx: Another shot of the three Burmese kittens
BurmaSphynx: The three Burmese kittens in August, 2009
BurmaSphynx: Saika, one of the three Burmese kittens
BurmaSphynx: Dayita with her three babies - July 24, 2009
BurmaSphynx: An Imikimi made with my iPhone4
BurmaSphynx: Kalli & her Kittens
BurmaSphynx: Ulani blue
BurmaSphynx: Ulani sketch
BurmaSphynx: Fw: Simeona sketch
BurmaSphynx: Fw: Simeona color & b/w
BurmaSphynx: Fw: Simeona color & b/w
BurmaSphynx: Same picture as last one, cropped a bit
BurmaSphynx: Little Black and White cat at St. Brice
BurmaSphynx: Kalli and Kittens - six weeks old taken with Oly xz-1
BurmaSphynx: Fw: Tamina & Shakira & Baby
BurmaSphynx: Stork b/w
BurmaSphynx: Kalli b/w