Q_uilted T_hrifted: Life is scary sometimes
Q_uilted T_hrifted: The beginnings of my own personal journey. Friendship blocks from some of the Quiltin' Babes. More to come and I think I will make a few myself.
Q_uilted T_hrifted: My day today
Q_uilted T_hrifted: Purchased myself a hat today.
Q_uilted T_hrifted: Both of my son's friends are the best!
Q_uilted T_hrifted: Look how nicely they look together.
Q_uilted T_hrifted: Stop, look and listen
Q_uilted T_hrifted: A dozen roses from my sister
Q_uilted T_hrifted: Super Socks with Capes! Thanks to my mom and family.
Q_uilted T_hrifted: Before my haircut
Q_uilted T_hrifted: Saying goodbye to my hair tonight
Q_uilted T_hrifted: It's grown even more.
Q_uilted T_hrifted: Ever so slowly making a table runner for a cancer fundraiser craft sale for a walk-a-thon I joined when Karen was diagnosed. Little did I know a few weeks later I would become 1 in 8.
Q_uilted T_hrifted: She said she wanted it to smell good and taste good. It did!
Q_uilted T_hrifted: My young man and I after his orchestra concert
Q_uilted T_hrifted: See the one reverse?
Q_uilted T_hrifted: Choir concert tonight was fabulous.
Q_uilted T_hrifted: Happy Memorial Day
Q_uilted T_hrifted: This was me 2 weeks ago
Q_uilted T_hrifted: My oncologist said on Tuesday "you are done." I will not be having the last two chemo treatments. He said the chemo has done what it needed to do. I had a quick response to the chemo treatments. By my 4th treatment the lumps were gone.
Q_uilted T_hrifted: The last two weeks have been painful with burning and nerve pain in hands and cramping and nerve pain in my feet so my oncologist said I'm done with treatments.
Q_uilted T_hrifted: Today I saw the surgeon and she said the lumps are gone and canceled my ultrasound scheduled for today. I have a lumpectomy on Thursday October 6th
Q_uilted T_hrifted: Admitted to the hospital yesterday.
Q_uilted T_hrifted: Fun out on the boat!
Q_uilted T_hrifted: Good News! My margins are clear!!! No more surgeries. No mastectomy needed. I can start radiation in 4-6 weeks. One more day of antibiotics! I needed this so much!!!!
Q_uilted T_hrifted: My hair was ready for it's first trim yesterday
Q_uilted T_hrifted: No more hair over the ears for a while and the turkey tufts at the back were razored away.