DollZWize: Our Backyard...
DollZWize: Our Backyard during SnowPocalypse!
DollZWize: Our Backyard during SnowPocalypse! 2
DollZWize: Our Back deck during SnowPocalypse!
DollZWize: KC statue
DollZWize: Fallen tree in front of Jefferson Memorial
DollZWize: Fallen tree in front of Jefferson Memorial 2
DollZWize: Fallen tree in front of Jefferson Memorial 3
DollZWize: Fallen tree in front of Jefferson Memorial 4
DollZWize: Desolate D.C. during SnowPocalypse
DollZWize: Kevin got to see Da Bunny!
DollZWize: Turned the GID Firefly Resin Heart by Leopardessmoon into an earring
DollZWize: FrankenFoot
DollZWize: FrankenFoot
DollZWize: FrankenFoot
DollZWize: FrankenFoot
DollZWize: FrankenFoot
DollZWize: Domingo's 15 yrs Farewell to KC Opera
DollZWize: Domingo's 15 yrs Farewell to KC Opera
DollZWize: Domingo's 15 yrs Farewell to KC Opera
DollZWize: Domingo's 15 yrs Farewell to KC Opera
DollZWize: Domingo's 15 yrs Farewell to KC Opera
DollZWize: Domingo's 15 yrs Farewell to KC Opera
DollZWize: Domingo's 15 yrs Farewell to KC Opera