gmaehlum: Song thrush eggs in nest.
gmaehlum: Song thrush in nest.
gmaehlum: Great Blue Heron, Florida
gmaehlum: Sandhill cranes and chicks
gmaehlum: Sandhill cranes and chicks
gmaehlum: Great Egret, Florida
gmaehlum: Great Egret, Florida
gmaehlum: Ravens. Death Valley California
gmaehlum: Magpie
gmaehlum: Three-toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus)
gmaehlum: Thrush and apple
gmaehlum: Grouse
gmaehlum: Svans in mountain lake
gmaehlum: Swans in lake at Rondane
gmaehlum: Thrush
gmaehlum: 2018-04-05-DSC03514.jpg
gmaehlum: Heron and alligator
gmaehlum: CR6_5408.jpg
gmaehlum: Great tit (Parus major)
gmaehlum: grey heron (Ardea cinerea)
gmaehlum: grey heron (Ardea cinerea)
gmaehlum: Cranes with chick, Atnsjø Norway
gmaehlum: CR6_5433.jpg
gmaehlum: Crane (grus grus) observed at Atnsjø
gmaehlum: Swans at Rondane