gmaehlum: A section of IC1318 in hydrogen alpha
gmaehlum: Part of IC1805 Heart Nebula
gmaehlum: My first attempt of narrowband imaging, 2 image mosaic of the central region of IC1318 Gamma Cygni Nebula in Hydrogen alpha
gmaehlum: a region of IC1318 Gamma Cygni-nebula
gmaehlum: IC1396 Elephant Trunk nebula, the central region.
gmaehlum: NGC281- pacman nebula in Ha
gmaehlum: The Horesehead IC423 and NGC2014 Flame nebula in Hydrogen alpha.
gmaehlum: Central area of IC1805 aquired in Ha
gmaehlum: Sun in Hydrogen alpha 2018-06-03
gmaehlum: The sun today. A class C flare was observed by satellites originating from the east behind the limb. This is now visible as protuberances.
gmaehlum: NGC2244 Cone nebula and Christmas Three cluster
gmaehlum: M42 Orion Nebula in Ha
gmaehlum: Area below Orions belt including the Horsehead and Orion Nebula (M42)
gmaehlum: Heart, IC1805, and Soul, IC1848, nebulae in hydrogen alpha
gmaehlum: IC5070 Pelican nebula in Hydrogen Alpha
gmaehlum: NGC 7000, North America Nebula in Hydrogen alpha (Ha)
gmaehlum: NGC7000, North America Nebula and IC1318 Gamma Cygni Nebula in a Ha wide field
gmaehlum: M16 Eagle Nebula in Ha
gmaehlum: IC1805 Heart Nebula, central region in Hydrogen Alpha
gmaehlum: M16 Eagle Nebula
gmaehlum: IC1805 in Ha