gmaehlum: The cassiopeia and Andromeda regions of the Milky Way
gmaehlum: Mirfak, NGC1499 California nebula and M45 Pleiades nicely lined up in this widefield image
gmaehlum: Orion with Barnards loop
gmaehlum: The region around NGC7000 of the Milky Way in wide field
gmaehlum: the Milky way captured with a fisheye lens
gmaehlum: The Milky way centered on NGC7000 which clearly visible in the center of the image.
gmaehlum: Bolide (fireball) observed from Østerdalen, Norway 2015-08-13 23:50
gmaehlum: Lunar Eclipse as seen over Oslo, Norway today
gmaehlum: The andromeda Galaxy against a foreground of local Milky-way stars