Tagl: Mecha WIP 19 - Back cover with gear access
Tagl: Mecha WIP 18 - Outer shoulder cover
Tagl: Mecha WIP 17 - Marriage again!
Tagl: Mecha WIP 16 - New torso design
Tagl: Mecha WIP 15 - Restart of torso design
Tagl: Mecha WIP 14 - Progress on the torso
Tagl: Mecha WIP 13 - Marriage
Tagl: Mecha WIP 11 - Torso evolution
Tagl: Mecha WIP 10 - A new torso
Tagl: Mecha WIP 09 - Progress after a long time
Tagl: Mecha WIP 08 - Legs coverering completed
Tagl: Mecha WIP 07 - Standing free for the first time
Tagl: ... and one day they began to reproduce...
Tagl: Mecha WIP 06 - Progress in covering the leg
Tagl: Mecha WIP 05 - Rebuilding the foot
Tagl: Mecha WIP 04 - Evolution of a toe
Tagl: Mecha WIP 02 - new hip joint
Tagl: Mecha WIP 01
Tagl: Mecha WIP - upper body reworked
Tagl: Mecha WIP - left arm and upper body
Tagl: Mecha WIP - left arm
Tagl: Mecha WIP