Spinool: selfie
Spinool: going-home time
Spinool: Atlanta by night
Spinool: Manhattan
Spinool: Times Square
Spinool: Times Square
Spinool: Hotel Chelsea, NYC
Spinool: Empire State Building
Spinool: Broadway
Spinool: Manhattan
Spinool: Massachusetts
Spinool: Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spinool: Central Parc
Spinool: One World Trade Center (1WTC)
Spinool: Lucretia
Spinool: Andromeda and the Seamonster
Spinool: Empire State Building
Spinool: Manhattan
Spinool: Atlas
Spinool: leaving home
Spinool: Fuddruckers
Spinool: airport
Spinool: "now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds"
Spinool: space shuttle (II)
Spinool: space shuttle Discovery
Spinool: space shuttle (I)
Spinool: Nazi's Wunderwaffe
Spinool: Blackbird
Spinool: Vietnam Veterans of America
Spinool: Tyrannosaurus rex