dotintime: game plan
dotintime: kitchen prep
dotintime: the view
dotintime: green dog
dotintime: ouch
dotintime: weathered green
dotintime: white door to somewhere
dotintime: bamboo shade :: teal curtain
dotintime: shadowed
dotintime: woodworker's shop
dotintime: sidewalk sale
dotintime: blue moon
dotintime: tavern on whidey, too
dotintime: fling :: flung
dotintime: tavern on whidbey
dotintime: a bit of whimsy
dotintime: boughs and their shadows
dotintime: red orange green
dotintime: ferns :: fog :: sapling
dotintime: split reflected
dotintime: quadrants
dotintime: men at work
dotintime: men at work, too
dotintime: industrial view
dotintime: closer
dotintime: green concrete
dotintime: fence hole