dotintime: man on wall
dotintime: stairway to...
dotintime: down the alley
dotintime: lunch
dotintime: lily path
dotintime: lily pads :: composed
dotintime: head down
dotintime: 43 of 52 :: my struggle, book 2 by karl ove knausgaard
dotintime: a friend in the forest
dotintime: 44 of 52 :: ten poems to set you free by roger housden
dotintime: pay here
dotintime: lily pads, too
dotintime: yellow :: green
dotintime: green rounds
dotintime: murano
dotintime: spare parts
dotintime: pair
dotintime: yellow leaves down
dotintime: red chairs :: atrium
dotintime: sidewalk cafe at a sidewalk cafe
dotintime: 46 of 52 :: fail, fail better by pema chodron
dotintime: tattered
dotintime: yellow leaves :: green grass
dotintime: 45 of 52 :: lick creek by brad kessler
dotintime: ferry fog
dotintime: lunch, too
dotintime: fisher :: otherwise known as double-crested cormorant (thanks, Mary)
dotintime: red, etc.
dotintime: billow
dotintime: spare parts, too