dotintime: escalator
dotintime: functional statement
dotintime: orange
dotintime: postal
dotintime: industry vacated
dotintime: afloat
dotintime: wishing
dotintime: two sides
dotintime: pair
dotintime: early
dotintime: men on ropes
dotintime: still early
dotintime: pair
dotintime: yellow
dotintime: foggy morning...not a sound
dotintime: reaching
dotintime: not prayer flags
dotintime: looking
dotintime: even the trees
dotintime: enjoying the view
dotintime: spring arrives
dotintime: space divided
dotintime: affinity
dotintime: au printemps
dotintime: three
dotintime: camellias...up and down
dotintime: blocks
dotintime: water's edge
dotintime: forest croc
dotintime: men on the move