dotintime: industrial spring
dotintime: a table by the window
dotintime: lemon juiced
dotintime: conversation
dotintime: mobile
dotintime: water x two
dotintime: tiny dancer
dotintime: city
dotintime: curve
dotintime: orange
dotintime: a little night music
dotintime: reflecting
dotintime: shop window
dotintime: lemons juiced
dotintime: closet
dotintime: back from a beach weekend
dotintime: man in white
dotintime: blue
dotintime: pair
dotintime: shop window :: 2
dotintime: not a diptych
dotintime: day's end
dotintime: chucked
dotintime: blue cross +
dotintime: bow to your sensei
dotintime: the happy dump truck
dotintime: reach
dotintime: that just about sums it up
dotintime: oranger