dotintime: it moves really fast
dotintime: taking it back
dotintime: low tide
dotintime: low tide
dotintime: the wall
dotintime: safeguarded
dotintime: brick wall plus
dotintime: three little peppers
dotintime: rock star
dotintime: b-boy
dotintime: gram parsons
dotintime: go sit in your chair...or...sister mary elephant
dotintime: tilt
dotintime: it moves really fast
dotintime: this or a sandwich at my desk
dotintime: stairs
dotintime: on the porch
dotintime: window on the alley
dotintime: crows 1, man 0
dotintime: urban chameleon
dotintime: and another beach weekend begins
dotintime: wall
dotintime: gull reflected
dotintime: relating
dotintime: i was here...or...spinal cracker
dotintime: island girl
dotintime: light
dotintime: bowls
dotintime: a.m.